“It’s the most transformative practice I have ever done”
All About Kundalini Yoga
Want to know more about Kundalini Yoga?
These are all quotes from my students describing their experiences of Kundalini Yoga and my writing around it, demystifying this brilliant practice.
Kundalini Yoga for Beginners
I've recently started teaching live on YouTube every Friday 8-9am GMT in my hope to bring a bit more light into what at times can feel like a very dark world. Kundalini Yoga has been my anchor for 20 years, it's seen me through some really difficult times. I have no...
Retreat Recovery Guide
Within 24 hours of arriving home I connected to all the five elements within my space. I lit a candle (fire) I mindfully connecting to the source of (water) in my house. I went for a walk outside and took in my surroundings and marvelled at the beauty I saw in my neighbourhood (earth) I lit incense (air) and prayed (ether)
Is Kundalini Yoga Dangerous?
Kundalini rising experiences are rare but they are not uncommon and are mostly deeply healing. There is so much to be gained as the practice can unblock energies that have been stuck for generations and liberate us from our suffering.
Pagan (ish)
The Sabbats are a witchy term that describe these four major turning points and the mid points between them of Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas and Samhian which we all know as Halloween. Like a big 8 spoked wheel they neatly divide the year into just over six weeks stretches. I believe when we focus our energy through our Kundalini yoga practice we can accelerate our spiritual growth on these auspicious days.
5 ways yoga can help your mental health
5 ways yoga can improve your mental health The mind can take you from heaven to hell in a heartbeat. Most people think of yoga as a Indian workout for a beautiful bendy body but it’s actually ancient physical spiritual practice for peace of mind. Here are five simple...
The Kundalini Yoga Buzz
Kinda-Buzzing: slightly floaty; whole; at peace in ones self; inspired and vividly alive.
What to wear to a Kundalini yoga class?
You may have noticed people wear white cotton clothes to practice Kundalini yoga in, it does make us look a bit culty I’m not going pretend otherwise…
The Kundalini yoga effect
Kundalini yoga can be very prescriptive, that’s what I love so much about the practice. You have an ailment, kundalini yoga has the remedy.
Kundalini yoga is a spiritual practice
Kundalini yoga takes yoga to the next level. It’s a multi layered practice, we use mantra as well as breath, we use mudras, hand positions at the same time as the physical asanas and there is a strong emphasis on meditation…